
Subcellular activation of β-adrenergic receptors using a spatially restricted antagonist. #Liccardo F, #Morstein J, Lin TY, Pamel J, Shokat KM  and Irannejad R*. bioRxiv 2023,  and PNAS 2024, September 27, 121 (40) e2404243121. PMID: 39331410

cAMP signaling: a remarkably regional affair. Bock A*, Irannejad R* and Scott JD*. Tends Biochem Sci, 2024 Apr, 49(4):305-317. Review doi: 10.1016/j.tibs.2024.01.004.

Anionic phospholipids determine G protein coupling selectivity at distinct subcellular membrane compartments.  Hernandez EH, Manglik A and Irannejad R*, bioRxiv, 2023 .doi:

Cardiac Contraction and relaxation are regulated by distinct subcellular cAMP pools. #Lin T,#Mai QN, Zhang H, Wilson E, Chien H, Yee S, Giacomini KM, Olgin JE and Irannejad* R. bioRxiv 2023, and Nat. Chem. Biol. 2024 Jan;20(1):62-73. doi: 10.1038/s41589-023-01381-8. Epub 2023 Jul 20.PMID: 37474759

The Organic Cation Transporter 2 Regulates Dopamine D1 Receptor Signaling at the Golgi Apparatus. Puri NM, Romano GR, Lin T, Mai QN, Irannejad R*. bioRxiv. eLife

G-protein Regulated Endocytic Trafficking of Adenylyl Cyclase Type 9.  Lazar AM, Irannejad R, Baldwin TA, Sundaram AB, Gutkind JS, Inoue A, Dessauer CW, Von Zastrow M. eLife  2020 Jun 9;9:e58039. doi: 10.7554/eLife.58039.

Emerging role of compartmentalized G protein-coupled receptor signaling in the cardiovascular filed.  Plouffe B, Thomsen ARB and  Irannejad R. ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci. 2020 Feb 24.

Unraveling the functional role of the orphan solute carrier, SLC22A24 in the transport of steroid conjugates through metabolomic and genome-wide association studies. Yee SStecula AChien HC, Zou LFeofanova EVvan Borselen M, Cheung KWKYousri NASuhre KKinchen JMBoerwinkle EIrannejad R Yu BGiacomini KM. Plos Genet.  2019 Sep 25;15(9).

Golgi localized β1-adrenergic receptors stimulate Golgi PI4P hydrolysis by PLCε to regulate cardiac hypertrophy. Nash CA, Wei W, Irannejad R, Smrcka AV. eLife 2019 Aug 21;8.

Genetically Encoding Quinoline Reverses Chromophore Charge and Enables Fluorescent Protein Brightening in Acidic Vesicles.
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Functional selectivity of GPCR-directed drug action through location bias.
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Retromer Endosome Exit Domains Serve Multiple Trafficking Destinations and Regulate Local G Protein Activation by GPCRs.
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The α-Arrestin ARRDC3 Regulates the Endosomal Residence Time and Intracellular Signaling of the β2-Adrenergic Receptor.
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Effects of endocytosis on receptor-mediated signaling.
Irannejad R, Tsvetanova NG, Lobingier BT, von Zastrow M. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2015 Aug;35:137-43.

G protein βγ subunits regulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through a perinuclear Golgi phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate hydrolysis pathway.
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G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling via heterotrimeric G proteins from endosomes.
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GPCR signaling along the endocytic pathway.
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Investigating signaling consequences of GPCR trafficking in the endocytic pathway.
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Conformational biosensors reveal GPCR signalling from endosomes.
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Regulation of constitutive cargo transport from the trans-Golgi network to plasma membrane by Golgi-localized G protein betagamma subunits.
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Assembly and trafficking of heterotrimeric G proteins.
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